Glossary (Programming)


  1. algorithm
    A sequence of logical instructions for carrying out a task. In computing, algorithms are needed to design computer programs.
  2. BASIC
    A group of general-purpose, high-level programming languages that are relatively easy to use. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  3. execute
    To run a computer program.
  4. flowchart
    A diagram that shows a process, made up of boxes representing steps, decision, inputs and outputs.
  5. instruction
    A single action that can be performed by a computer processor.
  6. Java
    A popular high-level computer programming language.
  7. machine code
    Also called object-code, this is low-level code that represents how computer hardware and CPUs understand instructions. It is represented by either binary or hexadecimal numbers.
  8. program
    Sequences of instructions for a computer.
  9. programming
    The process of writing computer software.
  10. programming language
    A language used by a programmer to write a piece of software.
  11. pseudocode
    Also written as pseudo-code. A method of writing up a set of instructions for a computer program using plain English. This is a good way of planning a program before coding.
  12. Python
    A high-level programming language.
  13. Scratch
    A high-level programming language that is presented in graphical blocks.
  14. statement
    The smallest element of a programming language which expresses an action to be carried out.