Managing information on computers (Glossary)


  1. 'File' menu
    The menu that is normally in the top left of an application window (or at the top left of the screen on an Apple Mac). This menu normally lets you open or save a file as well as other functions.
  2. attachment
    A file that is sent with an email.
  3. auto save
    An automated process of saving a file at regular time intervals.
  4. automated
    Turning a set of manual steps into an electronic operation that requires no human input.
  5. backup
    A copy of important files that is kept separately in case the original files are lost or damaged.
  6. CD
    A plastic, circular disc used to store up to 700 MB of music, video or data. CDs are optical storage media, similar to DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
  7. CD/DVD drive
    A device for reading or writing to CDs and DVDs using a powerful laser. They can be internal (part of the computer) or external (plugged in separately).
  8. cloud
    A term often used to describe a location on the internet from which software applications are run and where data is stored.
  9. copy
    To reproduce or replicate the same content elsewhere, eg. to copy a photo or a line of text.
  10. DVD
    A plastic, circular disc used to store music, video or data. DVDs are optical storage media, similar to CDs and Blu-ray discs.
  11. email
    Electronic mail. A method for sending messages and files to other people.
  12. file
    Anything you save. It could be a document, a piece of music, a collection of data or something else.
  13. folders
    A place to store files that are related, eg. all of the files relating to one project. Folders help to keep work organised. Sometimes called a directory.
  14. hacker
    A person who tries to gain unauthorised access to a computer.
  15. login screen
    A display asking a user to enter a username and/or password in order to gain access to the system.
  16. networked
    A device that is connected to at least one other device.
  17. online
    Connected to and using the internet.
  18. OSX
    A version of Apple's Mac OS operating system for Apple computers.
  19. overwrite
    To save and replace an existing file.
  20. password protect
    To make a file secure by forcing a user to enter a password before it can be opened.
  21. plug and play
    A device that can be plugged in to a computer and used straightaway.
  22. power supply
    The part of a computer device that plugs into the mains electricity to provide power.
  23. recovery
    The process of getting lost or damaged files from a backup.
  24. Remote backup
    A backup of files that is stored away from the physical computer.
  25. restore
    The process of getting lost or damaged files from a backup.
  26. server
    A computer that holds data to be shared with other computers. A web server stores and shares websites.
  27. settings
    Sequences of instructions for a computer.
  28. storage device
    A device that stores data/programs on a long-term basis.
  29. sub-folders
    A folder inside another folder.
  30. USB memory stick
    A physically small storage device. It normally plugs into a USB port. They are also called USB sticks, memory sticks, thumb or flash drives. These devices use solid state memory with no moving parts.
  31. user account
    A collection of settings, and often files, that relate to just one user. A password is normally needed to gain access.
  32. Windows
    Microsoft's brand of operating systems, eg Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, etc.
  33. Writable
    A storage device to which files can be saved or written.