Software applications (Glossary)

 Software Application Glossary

  1. borders
    The edge around an object or page.
  2. clip art
    Pre-made images.
  3. contrast
    The difference between lightness and darkness. An image with high contrast has very light (white) areas and very dark (black) areas. An image with low contrast is more grey.
  4. data
    Values, typically letters or numbers.
  5. database
    A data store designed in an organised way, making it easier to search for the information you need.
  6. formatting options
    The choices a user has to change the formatting of a document, eg changing the font type or colour.
  7. formula
    A combination of symbols that indicates the chemical composition of a substance.
  8. functions
    A complex formula that uses existing instructions to answer a question in a spreadsheet.
  9. information
    Data that has meaning, not just a number or a letter.
  10. labels
    A heading or description to make a spreadsheet easier to understand.
  11. layout
    The way that a page or document is set out with specific places for pieces of text or images.
  12. modelling
    A method of predicting what might happen if different values or rules are applied to a situation.
  13. office applications
    An application typically used in an office or business environment, eg a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation package or database program.
  14. placeholder
    A space set aside for some content that isn't ready yet. Useful for planning the layout of some work.
  15. record
    All of the data relating to one person or thing in a database.
  16. special effects
    An illusion, usually in video or audio product.
  17. style
    A description of the appearance of something.
  18. template
    A page layout to help make creating pages quicker and more consistent.